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Yankalilla and District Historical Society 

Promoting community interest in local history, encouraging preservation of historical buildings and sites, collecting and recording items of interest in the district and organising the biennial Heritage Fleurieu Coast Festival and other events. We make our collection of documents and photographs available to the general public, including family historians, with the aim of sharing our heritage.
 The Yankalilla and District Historical Society (YDHS) was formed in 1977 and incorporated in 1984.

The YDHS acknowledges the strong support of other organisations committed to the preservation and promotion of the Yankalilla region’s heritage.

District Council of Yankalilla 

Yankalilla and District Lions Club

Yankalilla District Historical Museum 

Yankalilla Library

Yankalilla & District Historical Society supports the cultural, spiritual, ecological and economic regeneration of the Aboriginal peoples of this place assisted by the actions and power of individuals, organisations and governments.

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© YDHS 2022 

Initial site design

 Word Tasker 2022

Contact Us 

PO Box 421, Yankalilla 5203

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