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General meeting February 2024

Pamela Wright—Searching our region’s heritage

Yankalilla Library Meeting Room

At last night's talk Pamela Wright, the Society's website manager, told the history of the site and what is happening now. Pamela thanked Jen Kay, website designer, and the team behind the website. Even though the Society has a well-established members' newsletter and a regular article in Yankalilla Regional News, as well as social media platforms, it was thought a website would enhance what the Society has to offer. The website was launched in 2022 in time for the Heritage Fleurieu Coast Festival after twelve months of planning. Pamela showed aspects of the site, particularly the 'People and Places' page which is being updated with new information all the time. The Aboriginal peoples section acknowledges that aboriginal people have lived in this region for several thousand years, and provides a brief summary of the Tjilbruke story. She followed up with glimpses of other sections including Burials, Families and Community Archives. She demonstrated the searching capabilities, including a sneak preview of the Places section which is currently being developed. There is much more to do to make the Society's records available to the district's residents and the public. Pamela welcomed members' help with transcribing (work from home) and scanning at the Yankalilla Library.

Yankalilla & District Historical Society supports the cultural, spiritual, ecological and economic regeneration of the Aboriginal peoples of this place assisted by the actions and power of individuals, organisations and governments.

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 Word Tasker 2022

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PO Box 421, Yankalilla 5203

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