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Harcourt Cemetery

Torrens Vale Rd, Torrens Vale

Harcourt church and cemetery are on section 1614, which originally belonged to the South Australian Company. An acre of the section was transferred to trustees of the Wesleyan church about 1854 or 1855. The church was opened in October 1855. The church has been demolished, although the foundations are still visible a short distance away.

The earliest recorded burial was that of Mary Ann Doble Tonkin, who died 1 May 1855, age 18 years. Mary Ann was the daughter of John and Betsy Tonkin, who originally leased this and nearby sections from the South Australian Company. The last burial which can be deciphered from the headstones is that of Samuel Lord, who died 17 November 1905. There is a lone grave, situated about 20 metres from the enclosed cemetery, which is the grave of William D Stone, the 8 year old son of Daniel and Ellen Ann Stone (nee Hawke). He died in 1886, it is believed as the result of a shooting accident.

YDHS resources relating to this place 

20 photographs
List of burials
Historic Place Report no 64

Harcourt Cemetery

Resources last updated June 2024

To access photos and records contact the Society. 

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