Torrens Vale Post Office
217 Torrens Vale Rd, Torrens Vale
The property on which this ruin stands was acquired by James Tonkin in 1857, and he probably built this house (possibly about 1865). He transferred the land to his daughter Amelia Putland in 1906.
Amelia Tonkin married Charles Putland in 1887. Charles Putland had grown up in Torrens Vale, but left the district with his parents in 1883 when they moved to Teal Flat near Mannum. After marrying the couple lived at Teal Flat where three children were born to them. However, one of these died at the age of one year and then Charles himself died in 1892, aged only 35 years. Amelia returned to Torrens Vale with her two young children, but the youngest died in 1892, aged 8 months.
Amelia ran a post office from this house for many years. Members of the Putland family continued the post office until it closed in 1969.
YDHS resources relating to this place
2 photographs
Historic Place report no 63
Resources last updated June 2024
To access photos and records contact the Society.