Torrens Vale Sheep Dip
19 Treasure Lane, Hay Flat
State Heritage Place No 14063.
The Torrens Vale Sheep Dip, near the corner of Dairy Flat Road and Treasure Lane, was built in 1894. In 2019 the Yankalilla & District Historical Society arranged for the site to be marked with a plaque. The plaque states:
'In the early 1890s it became law under the Stock Diseases Act to dip sheep infected with lice and ticks. In 1896 there were eight prosecutions of farmers in the Yankalilla District for failing to dip infected sheep. To reduce the cost of dipping, farmers began to join together to establish community dips. The Torrens Vale sheep dip was constructed in 1894 and farmers from around the district brought their sheep here to be dipped. The Torrens Vale Sheep Dip Company was formed, and in 1927 the Company took out a 99 year lease on this land. This sheep dip is in very good condition, and is state heritage listed.'
This site is on private property.
YDHS resources relating to this place
11 photographs
Torrens Vale Sheep Dip Company Minutes and account book 1911-1922
Invoices, etc.
Resources last updated June 2024
To access photos and records contact the Society.