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Wesleyan Cemetery

18 Main South Rd Normanville

State Heritage Place No 26433.

This cemetery is situated behind the RSL Hall, which was originally a Wesleyan Chapel. The land for the chapel and cemetery was sold to the trustees in 1854 by Nelson Leak for the sum of £10. Leak was a stonemason and he built the chapel.

Nelson Leak is thought to have been buried in the cemetery, but there is no headstone to mark his grave. His wife Elizabeth was the first person to be buried here in 1856, and her grave is marked with a beautiful slate headstone, made by Willunga slate mason George Sara. Other burials include that of Mary Archer Dodd (wife of miller John Dodd), John Butterworth (son of John and Isabella Butterworth), George Fergusson (infant son of miller William Fergusson), and Mary Ann and Isaac Roads (first wife and four year old son of Thomas Roads).

This cemetery is the earliest in the townships of Yankalilla and Normanville, and in fact is one of the earliest in the Yankalilla district.

YDHS resources relating to this place 

33 photographs
2 documents

Wesleyan Cemetery

Resources last updated June 2024

To access photos and records contact the Society. 

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