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Wesleyan Manse

166 Main South Rd, Yankalilla

This house was for a number of years the manse for the Wesleyan church at Normanville (now the RSL Hall). Section 1175 was sold by Robert Norman to his brother-in-law Septimane Herbert in 1854. Herbert subdivided part of the section (on the south side of the main road) into allotments to form the township of Wissanger. Herbert sold lot 4 to the Trustees of the Wesleyan Methodist Connection on 3 January 1861 for £50. The manse was probably built soon after this. In the Council's rate assessment book for 1861 the house is assessed at £25, and so must have been a superior dwelling for that time.

After the union of the Wesleyan and Bible Christian churches in 1900, this house became the preferred manse for the Methodist Church. It continued to be used as a manse until 1959, when it was sold and thereafter became a private home.

YDHS resources relating to this place 

4 photographs
Historic Place Report no 56

Wesleyan Manse

Resources last updated June 2024

To access photos and records contact the Society. 

Yankalilla & District Historical Society supports the cultural, spiritual, ecological and economic regeneration of the Aboriginal peoples of this place assisted by the actions and power of individuals, organisations and governments.

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